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To God be the Glory!

One year and a week ago, I settled into Phoenix—no connections, no job, no idea what I was getting myself into. I knew I was going to Seminary and had to trust that God had a plan for removing me from what I had known all my life. After a month of tedious applications and

forms, I took a job at a local Nursing Home, intending it as a temporary position until something better came along. “I’ll just be here for a few months,” I told myself. Little did I know that God had a lot more than a few months in mind!!

For the past year, I have continued to search through endless job lists and postings, filled out more job applications than I can count, sent out so many resumes and sat through…three interviews. Something (or someone) was closing every door in my face before I could even peek inside. As the days continued, life at the nursing home grew more and more difficult. Friends inevitably passed away or began to lose their memories in extreme ways. My department was beginning to drown in drama as a result with working with 18-20 year olds. And I was too emotionally drained at the end of day to really engage with classmates at the Seminary. I wanted out, and I wanted out bad. “Just a couple more months,” I told myself. In December, I promised myself I would have a new job by the end of February. In February, it was the end of May. Still, nothing.

I cried out to God. He knew how hard this position was for me. I begged and pleaded for a way out. Still, nothing came of my applications. Perhaps this is more detail than you wanted

to hear, but it is the truth of the matter. I spoke with my Life Group about it, and they prayed alongside me each week that a new door would be opened. Each week, they helped me stay focused on Truth. God wasn’t opening a new door because He still wanted me within the nursing home for some reason. There was more for me to learn. So I continued to push through, loving on the residents and praying Christ’s love shone through me, even when I was too exhausted to laugh.

And then, I got an e-mail from the Missions director at my church, asking me if I was in need of a job. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I replied. She sent me information from one of her contacts who was searching for a new Administrative Assistant for a MISSIONS organization. Not going to lie, I squealed like a little girl in a candy store. A job with a Missions organization?!?! Right here?! There was no way! After being rejected by school districts, city office jobs, banks, insurance agencies, and so much more, here was an invitation to apply to work for a missions organization.

I was afraid to hope. I was so scared. Yet with the encouragement of mentors, I made the call and set up an interview. It has been a lengthy process, but I am so full of joy as I announce that I have accepted the position as an Administrative Assistant for In Touch Mission International!! I am so excited to be back in the world of Missions and able to be part of the global work God is doing through His children.

More than that, I can say with the fullness of my heart, that this joy has been given to me fully through the Grace of God. To Him be the glory for this amazing opportunity. After all my months of searching, the door that opened was not one that I was pounding on, but one that God opened FOR me. Friends, God’s provision is unending. Many criticized my decision to move to a different state on my own with no established connections. But let my journey continue to be a testimony to God’s faithfulness. He has ensured that my scholarship was renewed and given me my dream job for my time in the States.

This evening, after receiving the call that confirmed my position, I was overrun with excitement but also fear. Will I be able to do the work? Am I going to fit in? What if I just mess everything up? What if? What if? What if? And for those who know me, I easily get lost in the ‘what ifs’ of any situation. I began to get bogged down with those fears and with a family situation that had weighed on my heart all day. But then, I realized. That fear, that grief…was the Enemy trying to steal the joy the Lord had given me. The Lord presented me this position. He has led me this far, and He will not set me up to fail. For I am His beloved daughter, and He is a Father who is proud of all that I have accomplished and eager to watch me grow.

If you have read all of this, I sincerely thank you! I really wanted to testify to God’s provision, and it didn’t seem right to do so without proper explanation of its significance and timing.

May the Lord continue to Bless and Keep you,


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